Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Our Violin Teacher thought Sunny & Riley were ready to start playing at federation this year. Riley played Concerto Number 5, 1st movement by Sietz and Sunny played The Happy Farmer and Hunters Chorus. We practiced over and over...and over and over again! I didn't mean to, but I guess I freaked them out a little bit about playing in front of the judges. They got up to the front of the room, announced their number and piece and dominated it! Sunny was staring at the audience while she was playing with her wide bright eyes, and Riley was so into his piece that you could see his body move with the beat! They both did an amazing job and I couldn't have been more proud of them! They both received the highest ranking you can get which is a superior! They are amazing kids!

I was able to be a judge for federation for 3 hours! It was actually a lot of fun to listen to all different kinds of musicians and give them advise!

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