Monday, June 24, 2013

June Happenings

 The last week of school was full of fun activities for Riley and Sunny! Riley did a buy and sell in his classroom so he sold homemade popcorn and sugar cookies and they sold like hot cakes.
 Sunny did an awesome job in her 1st grade end of the year program. She has done an amazing job this year in first grade and I am so proud of her!
                                               Just me and my Sunny Bunny!
 We received this Ohio State Cookie Basket from Regan's new boss...we already feel welcome in OHIO!
 It became totally official when the FOR SALE Sign went up...we have had 5 showings in 15 days! I'm hoping for someone to buy it soon because keeping this house clean with 4 kids is seriously IMPOSSIBLE!

 Regan and I flew to Columbus, Ohio last weekend to find a house for us to live about stressful! We looked at a bunch of houses and we began to label each house to remember them...We went through the "Model house" because it was a model from a builder and we loved the house but it was backed on to a busy street---no go with small kids and noisy! The "Mouse House" was a beautiful house until we went to the basement and saw mice traps everywhere and it had no playable backyard! In the end, the "Pleasant Colony" house won because it was the most kid friendly house with an amazing play set in the backyard!
We will always be loyal BYU fans, but now we will be OHIO state fans! As Regan and I were in Columbus, Regan said, "do you feel like you are in Utah?" and my answer was Yes-it just felt like like a wonderful place!
 Riley went to a week of Computer Programming camp at the U of U and he LOVED it!!!
                                         Elle got her first hair cut and it suits her just perfectly!
 Aunt Linda came to visit us and to meet Sweetie! The kids had a fun time playing candy land with her!

We have been spending a lot of time with family lately...Emery got a hold of Grammy's hose and next thing you know, he drenches himself in Water-he was having the time of his life!


  1. I can't believe you're moving to Ohio!! I thought you'd never leave Utah. What a fun adventure ahead. Good luck to you guys.

    1. Emily...I know, crazy huh? Is your blog private? If so, will you invite me and tell me your blog address? My email address is
