Thursday, October 31, 2013

Fall Fun!

 The traditional carving of the pumpkins!

 I hate reaching into pumpkins and getting the guts and seeds out, so I decided to paint my pumpkin instead! Cuter and cleaner!

 Sunny wanted to go for the scary and gruesome pumpkin!
 Riley wanted to go with the gross and gruesome pumpkin!
 Sunny is super particular about the clothes she wears! Pretty much every day it is a battle between her and I on what she is going to wear to school. She wants to wear sweats, I want her to look cute. I have found the found the ultimate compromise! I found the cutest SOFT clothes at Target for her to wear. She is comfy and cute at the same time. Elle wears anything I tell her to without any complaining, but of course I had to get twinner outfits to Sunny.

These 2 girls are so adorable and cute! When I can convince Sunny to wear skinny jeans, long sleeved shirts, a necklace and a bow, it turns out to be a good day! Today was a battle to make her wear this for Halloween!

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