Tuesday, October 8, 2013

October so far...`

 I love decorating for fall and halloween each year! I especially love having a white fireplace mantle to decorate!
 I have always loved walking up to a doorway and having the porch decorated. When I didn't know where to put this end table in the house, I thought the porch would be a perfect place! Then I found these cute aqua chairs at Tartget. The bottom pumpkin is called a mumkin...a mum in a pumpkin.
 Sunny has been begging me to go running with me so Saturday morning, that is exactly what we did! We ran a mile and she did awesome...the thing that was not awesome was Sweetie tripping me and I fell hard on the cement...ouch! We will be making Saturday mornings our running days for sure!
 Before we watched Conference on Saturday, we went on a walk in this awesome wooded park close to our house.  It actually reminded me of being in the mountains in Utah even though we were right in the middle of the city. We made a mistake by letting Sweetie off of her leash and that pretty much ruined the rest of our walk! She would not come near us to get back on the leash and was bugging other walkers! I was so annoyed that I told Riley that if he doesn't spend more time training Sweetie, I wanted to get rid of her! She tears up our backyard, she doesn't listen to anyone and did I mention she eats EVERYTHING? We will see how the month of October goes...fortunately for Riley, our nice next door neighbor wants to walk Sweetie during the day {Riley walks her at night} and he is determined to discipline Sweetie! I hear puppies calm down after 2 years...I don't know if I can stand 1 more year!!!!!
 Since we have been in Ohio, we have had a ton of interaction with the missionaries of our church. We have fed them dinner and dessert a few times, and then we had 2 missionaries over to watch conference with us on Sunday. It has been pretty cool to have them in our home and to teach the kids a lesson each time about the gospel. It brings a wonderful feeling into our home when they come!
           Emery loved sitting on Elder Bean's lap while listening about the first vision.
Elder Blalock is a missionary and showed the kids a card trick as he was explaining the order of the church when it was established.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one frustrated with my dog ;) They are so overrated. Love your cute house and all the fun things you're doing!
