Monday, April 21, 2014

School Talent Show!

 All 3 of the kids played their violins for the school talent show and all 3 of them rocked it!
Riley played the Millionaires Hoedown and got the audience moving!
 My little 5 year old Elle got on that stage as if nobody was even in the room-no fear! There were probably a hundred people in the audience but she played her little Allegro song with so much confidence and got tons of screams and applause from the audience!
 My little Sunny Bunny played Martini Gavotte perfectly and I was so proud of her! WOW!
Here is a picture of the kids after the talent show! Words just can't describe how proud I am of all 3 of them! They practice every single day, the are dedicated kids and I am the worlds proudest mom! Regan was not able to be at the talent show because of a work thing, so I had the job of watching Emery, video taping and taking pictures for all 3 performances. He was trying to run all around the auditorium, then when each kid performed, I had to take him with me to the front row...lets just say I was stressed watching Emery, not about the kids performing!

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