Thursday, May 17, 2012


this little guy just turned 1!
his nicknames: Mr. Chubs {all of Riley's 2nd grade class nicknamed him that}
Skooter {because that is his #1 and only mode of transportation}
Little guy
Our little Emery has brought so much more happiness to our family. His 3 older siblings are so protective of him. They actually want to play with him every second they can! He looks just like Riley's baby pictures and even got the curly hair! 
He not only is the cutest baby EVER, but he is the BEST guy ever!
I would say his #1 favorite thing to do is eat! He isn't particular or picky-just likes to eat food!
He loves to swing in his new baby swing, loves to play outside, play with his brother and sisters, and just loves to scoot around and see what there is to see. 

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