Wednesday, July 18, 2012

california science academy

 this was the coolest albino alligator that was moving all around the water! I was staring at it face to face and it snapped all of a sudden--of course I screamed!
 these fish look dead, just lying on the bottom of the aquarium, but they weren't---they looked so wierd!

 baby ostriches outside--they were so cute!
 Regan is observing the map of san francisco...he is so good with knowing how to get around, not so much.
 my favorite painting inside the museum
 I loved all of these different and old chairs

I kept telling Regan that his wound on his leg caused from a bike wreck looked like a flesh eating wound or a zombie bite because it was oozing. We took a bus to golden gate park and walked by the haight-ashbury district {hippie central}...we saw a guy lying in golden gate park with all of his buddies getting high and he was stabbing the grass with his knife...lets just say I was a little worried about being there. Once we got to the science museum, everything was alright.

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