Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Brigham City Temple

 We ate lunch at our favorite place, Maddox before we met our ward for the temple open house. I was actually super worried about taking 4 kids to a nice lunch by myself, but a miracle actually happened today! All of the kids were amazing...2 gentlemen and 2 ladies. They wore their napkin on their laps, they ordered seafood cocktail, and they were polite! I think I was blessed for having 4 good kids because I was taking the kids to the temple! :}

 Before we went into the temple open house, we were in the waiting room which was the garage, but you would never know it because it was so clean and had pictures of Jesus.
 We all had to wear these booties on our shoes so the temple would be clean. Sunny was so distracted in the temple because she could not stop laughing at Emery wearing his booties! He walked all over the temple with these little booties, and I had to tell Sunny probably 10 times to stop laughing at him!


Even though it was SUPER hot and hard to cart 4 kids in the temple and on our brigham city adventures today, I am so glad that we did this little field trip today. I think that it will be a good memory for the kids. We were able to go through the temple with a lot of the children in our ward's primary for an activity. I was able to talk to the kids about what happens in each of the rooms. 
When we went to the sealing room, I told them that this is where people get married and are sealed together forever. Sunny immediately said, "did you and dad get married here?" I had to tell her that it was the same kind of room but in the salt lake temple. 

                                   We went to the brigham city cemetary to remember our Papa McKell.
Brigham City has fond memories for me. My family and I went to pick peaches every fall, then eat dinner at Maddox. We would get peach shakes at peach city, so it is now fun to have my kids have memories of brigham city.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like fun!!! I love the picture of the girls leaning over into the fountain.
