Sunday, August 19, 2012

Girls Camp 2012

 leaving for camp...we all look so cute and clean! A lot of the girls told me I did not look ready to camp...well, that's because I really would not say I am a camper! Just trying to make it without getting too dirty!
 Our camp directors were simply amazing!!! They had the perfect blend of fun and spiritual activities!
 Okay, skits are pretty much my favorite part of camp! During the leaders skit, I seriously could not stop the point of not breathing!!! Our topic was popular vs respected so we had the popular girls vs the respected girls. Soooo funny!!!
                                                    our outfits were supposed to be very immodest...
 here are all of the leaders in our skit...immodest and modest, popular and respected!!! Karen, my 2nd counselor in the maroon outfit said she will full on wear that outfit to church because it is ultra modest!!!
 It is my tradition to give the young women pedicures during camp. For some odd reason, I have no problem with people's you feel so nice and clean when your feet are clean! Who doesn't like a mud mask too?
 In total, we had 19 young women at camp which was amazing! I felt like I was able to have really good 1 on 1 time to bond with each of my young women...they are all such amazing girls and I love love love being with them! I feel so much younger when I am with these girls. The theme for our camp was from ordinary to extraordinary which was amazing!!! I had so much fun at camp!

Even when I was a young woman, testimony meeting was always my favorite thing about camp, and that is the same now that I am the young women president. It was so amazing to hear all of my young women's  as testimonies. They are such strong, good girls and I felt the spirit so strongly while listening to them. I came away from camp feeling like a better person!


  1. I totally forgot to ask how the Fascinating Girl thing went! LOVE the Oceanside pics. Such a fun trip!!

  2. Could you share your skit? It sounds amazing!! :)
