Monday, October 22, 2012

Ashley's Visit

My cute pregnant sister Ashley was able to come visit us and it was so good to see her! She is one of those perfect pregnant ladies that is skinny with a bowling bowl in her shirt---me, not so much! We were able to go to her friend baby shower, a family shower, BYU game, Halloween party, and out to lunch. I love spending time with her, and I miss her so much since she is on the other side of the country!

                                                            Ashley's Shower
         Every time my mom has an event, she goes all out--it is always so elegant and fancy!!!
                                           The McKell Girls {Chrissy, Ashley, Didi, Angie, Lisa}
                                                                 all of us at Ashley's family shower
            My mom got these disney glass figurines years and years ago. I grew up loving to look at them in the family room. My mom has now redecorated the family room, and in so doing, the disney figurines had to go. All 6 of the kids got to choose which ones we wanted to keep, so we took turns getting the ones that we liked the most {I came away with most of the princess sets!}
                                             What we came away with!
  It was so awesome to have all 6 of us together! Since Ashley lives in Connecticut, Robby & Angie live in Idaho, and I live all the way in Davis County :} it has been harder to get everyone together! I love these siblings soooo much and hope that we are always close!
 My mom and dad had a family garage sale of things they were getting rid of so we spent some time sifting through all of the items to see what things had sentimental value to us.
Before Ashley left, we met for lunch at the Garden Restaurant in Salt Lake{I have no idea why I have that cone on top of my head!

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