Thursday, November 29, 2012

All about Andrea

 I have had a very busy year with raising 4 kids, volunteering in the kids' classrooms, practicing violin with Riley, Sunny and Elle, being the young women president to 20 young women, and trying to find the balance of how to be a good mom, house cleaner, chauffer, and wife!
 The hard thing I have done this year is I ran in 3 half marathon races! I am not a runner, so this is a very hard thing to do! I have been going to bootcamp 3 times a week, and ran my fastest mile-I ran it in 8 minutes 28 seconds. At age 18 at ricks college, I ran the mile in 14 minutes!!!
 I have had a lot of fun with Regan this year. We traveled to Moab twice, San Francisco, Disneyland and Oceanside.

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