Sunday, December 8, 2019

Living our BEST Life!

Regan and I have made DATE NIGHT a priority this past year so that we can actually talk to each other without kids listening, and so that we can have a chance to connect each weekend. I look forward to these date nights more than I ever thought I would because it gives me a chance to talk to Regan about how the week went, what is going on with the kids, planning things for the future and just a chance to enjoy being with my guy! 

A month ago on one of our Date nights, the whole topic of discussion was 'how can we live our BEST LIVES?' What are we doing or not doing to live our fullest, best lives? We talked about career ambitions, family goals, dreams for the future and things we can change in our lives that are not serving us in a positive light. 
One of the many things we talked about was social media. We both agreed that social media was wasting our time by just scrolling mindlessly on our down time, and trying to not compare ourselves when we saw someone go on a trip, or get an awesome new house, or not be invited to go somewhere with someone...etc...

Regan and I decided to go on a 6 month social media fast to be more productive with our free time and really live our mission of finding ways to live our best life. It's only been a week, but I have been SO productive with my time, and I love just focusing on the needs to my family and those around me. 

On that note, I have had a LOT of people say they will miss the comings and goings of what is going on with our family and particularly the kids, so I will be updating my blog occasionally with things about the family. 

Merry Christmas!!!

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