Sunday, February 17, 2013

February so far...

 Bring your family to school day was quite the busy day for me...I went to Riley and Sunny's classroom to observe what they do, I volunteered in Riley's classroom for reading, then I volunteered for the pta to check parents into school...all with 2 little kids with me! I love going to the kids school with them because it reminds me of why I became a teacher.
 These are letters from Grammy and Grampy. They sent them to Sunny and told her experiences they had when they were in 1st cute!!
 Dick & Jane is a book that Grammy read when she was Sunny's age and now Sunny is reading it!
 I loved weaving a loom when I was young, and now Elle loves to do it! This activity kept her busy for quite a while!

This girl is just gorgeous. I just love spending my days with her and Emery while the older ones are at school.

This little chubby boy of mine is a pure delight {most of the time}. He is so funny, he is starting to talk, I still kiss him 500 times a day, and he is my little buddy while the other kids are at school!

 We took the whole family to the BYU basketball game and had so much fun. I grew up going to BYU campus as a kid and knew that I wanted to go to school there. I want to do the same thing for my kids so they know how awesome this school is!
                                             2 cougars cheering on the team!
                                       We love our cougs...we also love cougar tales {long maple bars}

I have finally found a store that I love...not too teenagery, and not too momish...Bohme! My friend Julie and I love to go together and shop and we always have such a fun time modeling new outfits for each other!

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