Sunday, February 3, 2013

January so far...

 SNOW, SNOW, SNOW!!! I do not remember ever in my life having this much snow!!! It snowed for 2 days straight and we accumulated almost 3 feet!!! The girls have loved playing in the powdery snow and they have had so much fun...too bad their mom is a wimp when it comes to the cold and the snow!! We also had an ice storm which made the roads the perfect recipe for tons of accidents!

I switch babysitting with my friend every other week so we can each go to the temple, and on the day of the ice storm, it was my turn to go to the temple. My kids were all ready at my friends house when I set out to the temple and I had a distinct impression to turn around and go home. I got off at the next exit and picked my kids up and stayed home for the rest of the day. I don't know what would have happened, but I'm glad I didn't have to find out.

 Riley and his friends had the funnest time playing in the powder all day long. Sweetie has loved the snow and making her own trails in the backyard.

 We got Sweetie this cute furry coat and she wears it when we take her in the car when it is cold. So I knew this dog thing was going to be hard...but if I knew what I know now, let's just say I don't think that I would have gone through with the puppy thing, but I'm trying to be positive so..... We have good days and bad days, so here's to having more good days then bad ones!!!

 Our new favorite family place is Cherry Berry in Layton. I think it is kind of funny that we are loving frozen yogurt when it is as cold as I ever remember it being in my life...I am so not a fan of zero degree weather, so we are just trying to enjoy our frozen yogurt while we wait for warmer weather.
The kids have played outside a ton when all of the powdery snow came down...this picture is so funny because Sunny was so mad that I made her grab Sweetie in the circle! I had to catch this moment!

We are so proud of Sunny. She worked so hard to be in the 200's club at school. She actually has more homework in first grade then Riley does in 3rd grade.

I have spent so much time with Sunny reading, reading, and reading! She has come a long way this year. It's just so crazy how different each child is. With Riley, reading and school in general has come so naturally and easy! I worked with him, but not nearly as much as I have had to work with Sunny. She is now a little above grade level on her reading and she loves to read and she loves school! Even more important, she loves her teacher, Mrs. Quarnberg...she is the BEST teacher ever!!!
Our little Elle is the biggest artist! She would be completely content to just sit and color all day if you let her! Lately, she wants me to draw a picture and she colors it in...too bad her mom is the worlds worst artist!!!
She also loves loves loves to sing! I was sitting on the couch when she just stood on the table next to me and was singing her guts out to a tangled acting out this one-she just finds so much joy in singing!!!
Our little Emery is so cute...he loves wearing these winter hats lately. We have taken his binkies away and he can only have them at sleeping time now! Hopefully by doing this he will start to talk!!!

I made sugar cookies one Sunday afternoon and this is what you get with 2 girl helpers with their little aprons on...they put powdered sugar all over their faces just for the fun of it!!!
We had 2 days of no school this week {plus a snow day} so we hung out with Grammy and Grampy at chucke cheese and saw Wreck it Ralph. Fun times!

Regan celebrated his 34th birthday by having what he called a foodie birthday...he went out for breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert! I love his attitude about birthdays. He always says, " I am going to do everything I want to do on my birthday!" That is going to be my attitude this year on my birthday!

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