Thursday, March 14, 2013

New Beginnings

I asked my mom if she would be our special speaker for New Beginnings and let's just say she nailed it! She did an amazing job; her message was perfect for everyone! She was so exciting to listen to and she had the most perfect examples and stories. She actually made me think of Elaine Dalton!

I have been the young women president for almost 3 years and have loved being able to work with the most amazing girls! These girls are beautiful and have the light of the gospel in them. Yes, it has been hard with planning activities, going to weekly activities {sometimes with 3 or 4 kids}, organizing the details of young womens and trying to get by with minimal drama, but all in all, it has been a great few years. I have learned a lot about myself and I have learned so much from these amazing girls!

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