Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Family TIme

                                   Grampy and Baby Carson...seriously the cutest!!! Ashley & Carson were able to come visit us for a week and Brett was able to come for the weekend. It was so awesome to see them! That little Carson is a cute little guy and I am so happy my kids finally have a cousin on this side of the family!
 Grandma Anderson had her 90th birthday party and it was so awesome to see a lot of family! Grandma Anderson is an amazing lady and it was wonderful to celebrate her life!
 All 4 McKell got together to play a Vivaldi Concerto for 4 Violins for Chrissy's Senior Violin Recital. Chrissy did an amazing job! She played so beautifully and she is so talented. I love playing with my sisters!
 I am so grateful to my mom for giving me the gift of music. She stuck with all 4 of us to teach us how to play the violin. Now that I am doing the same thing to my kids, I now understand how difficult that really is! To practice with them every single day, to help them, support them...it is hard but so rewarding!!! Thanks Mom for everything you did to teach me the violin and thanks dad for being supportive and paying for all of my lessons! It has blessed my family immensely!
                                                              LOVE MY SISTERS!!
                                        Loved spending time with cute baby carson!
 We went to the Abravenel Hall to see Chrissy play her violin side by side a Utah Symphony member! She did an amazing job and it was so cool to see her play in a professional symphony!
                                    We are so proud of Aunt Chrissy!
 We went to Brigham City to visit Papa's Grave and to eat at Maddox...a family favorite!
I had so much fun with Ashley and miss her so much already! She lives in Connecticut, but ever since she has been away, I feel like we have become even closer because we both check in on each other and call each other every week. Angie told both of us to get snapchat and so it has been fun to send pictures of what is going on with us throughout the day! She is such a great mom to baby Carson!

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