Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Memorial Day Weekend

 We had such an awesome Memorial Day Weekend. Of course we went to the Bluffdale Cemetary to see relatives that are buried there. Riley Reed Fackrell is named after my Grandpa Anderson, Reed Anderson.
 Sunny had an awesome 5 day birthday weekend! Friend Birthday on Thursday, Cabin Friday-Sunday and her actual birthday on Memorial Day! Lucky Girl!
 The reason why it was such an awesome weekend is because we had so much fun at my parents cabin. We took fun bike rides {loved riding on my cruiser bike}, went to 2 water falls {Bridal Veil Falls and Stewart Falls} and it was beautiful weather outside!
                    {Bridal Veil Falls-Provo Canyon} 2013
 Elle and Emery love riding in the bike trailer on on our bike rides...Emery always ends up falling asleep!
 Angie & Chrissy went with us on a hike to Stewart Falls. They are such cute girls and great Aunts.

We got cupcakes from Sweet Tooth Fairy for Sunny's birthday and they were delicious! We slept in our huge tent for 3 nights and it was so much fun! Sleeping in a tent, on the grass, near a cabin with a bathroom and kitchen, a heater and tv inside the tent is definitely my kind of camping!!! Clean, comfy camping!!!!

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