Thursday, August 29, 2013

Week 2

 I drove the kids to school the first week just so I could help them get to their classes, but the 2nd week they started to ride the bus. Let's just say that the bus is the coolest thing EVER! Elle just looks SO tiny on that huge school bus. They have the boys sit on 1 side and the girls sit on the other side. They then sit according to grades...kindergartners in the front, and older kids in the back with assigned seats for everyone! LOVE THAT!
 Sunny has really impressed me with taking on the older sister role. When they get off of the bus, she takes Elle's backpack and holds her hand to walk back home. SO CUTE!!!
 This picture is seriously the funniest story...after the kids went to school, I did some errands and one of them was to get a car wash since the car was so dirty from the trip from Utah. I was just reading stuff on my phone when we were inside of the carwash and all of a sudden, I felt some water on me...I look back to see what is going on and Emery is just sitting there in his seat wide eyed, and getting soaked! He had opened up his window mid car wash and didn't know what to do when the water started coming in! I put the window up, and without missing a second, got my phone out and took a picture of exactly what he looked like!!! I could not stop laughing the whole way home!
I asked Sunny what she would like for an after school snack when we were at costco and she wanted SUSHI! What 7 year old wants SUSHI? That would be Sunny Bunny!

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