Friday, September 20, 2013


We have officially been in Ohio for a whole month and I have figured out my routine. The rec center we found is 7 minutes away from our house which makes it so convenient to go workout every day. My routine is that I get the kids off to school on the bus, get Emery in the car and head to the rec center. Monday-Wednesday I go to the fitness center to run on the track and weights, Thursday-Friday I have total body fitness class and kick box classes. Emery loves the daycare, and I take the kids to the pool once a week. I love this new fitness routine!
 The kids have been wanting to practice violin early in the morning so they can play with friends after school. It has actually been working out great because we get some really productive practicing at 6:45 in the morning!
 Ohio State Football is HUGE here...I'm talking people eat, breathe and sleep Ohio State. We are still the biggest BYU fans and always will be, but for the time we are in Ohio, we will be OHIO STATE fans! I got all of the kids Ohio State shirts. When Elle put her shirt on, she said, "Mom-I have never worn a t shirt before!" This was my cue that I dress up my girls up a lot!
 The music room has turned into my favorite room in the house. It has cute colors, the doors shut for no distractions, and everything is just perfect to make practicing go smoother.
 We found a dog park we took Sweetie to and she LOVED it! She loved interacting with the other dogs and swimming. The invisible fence has worked out great at the house and Riley is taking more responsibility with her so it is making it a little better. I am trying to be positive about her especially after I almost got rid of her this week after she escaped in the front yard and I had to run after her for an hour! Not what I signed up for so I am trying to remember the positive things about her!
 The new thing to do for kids is rainbow loom and make bracelets out of rubber bands. Riley and Sunny are really into it!!! I like it because it is crafty and creative.
 Our cute neighbor who if Riley's friend is also really into making bracelets. She came over and they made bracelets for hours!

 We dressed everyone up and got free donuts at krispy kreme for talk like a pirate day! The kids were so cute as they were acting like pirates!

I came across this and can pretty much sum up my month in Ohio so far...the people we live by are not our religion, but they are some of the most kind people I have ever met. It really does go to show you that your beliefs/religion doesn't make you a better person-it's how you act! Living in Utah, and living right by people who are all your same religion isn't always the best. I never thought I would say this, but it's so interesting to me that some of the people who we lived by who are our same religion did not treat us very kindly and their behavior was awful. Living next to people who are not our same religion shows you that people are good and kind. Our next door neighbor has asked me every day since we have been here if there is anything he can do to help me. Don't get me wrong, we have lived by some amazing people, but we have also lived by people that have done some really unkind things to us. I am glad to have learned this lesson the first month of us outside of Utah...there are some wonderful people and they don't have to be your same religion.

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