Monday, October 21, 2013

Fun Times WIth Family

 Can I just say that I love this little Baby Carson so much? He is the cutest little guy and I loved holding him!
 The girls wanted to show Grammy their Halloween costumes-Emery wanted to show that he can be a monster and a pirate at the same time!
 Ashley and my mom spent hours each with Sunny and her homework! SOOOO NICE!
 The craziest story: The first day we were all together, we went to Hobby Lobby to get some fabric for Ashley. We were looking at a bunch of bolts of fabric in the store when my hand brushed against my arm and it just felt weird...I looked at my ring and my diamond was GONE! I couldn't even believe it--I have had this ring for 12 years with no problems! After telling Ashley and my mom, I looked down to my feet and sure enough, the diamond was on the floor right by my feet! I can't even tell you what a huge blessing this was to find it! I could have been in a parking lot, I could have not even noticed the ring until hours later! The fact that I found the diamond is a miracle and a blessing!
 We finally used our fire pit and patio for the first time to make smores amd eat apple dumplings {which my mom showed me how to make since I had no idea!}
 We went to eat lunch at school with Sunny and Riley. Sunny requested sushi!
      So much fun with Grammy and Ashley at school lunch...too bad the lunch ladies are mean!
                                                Sunny Renae with Grammy
                         Riley loved introducing us to all of his friends at lunch!
                  Aunt Ashley was so fun with Emery!
 We had so much fun in Powel-anitque shopping and Jeni's gourmet Ice Cream!

Having fun on our park of a play set!

1 comment:

  1. My diamond fell out of my wedding ring the third month after we moved to OH! I wasn't so lucky. I noticed at a playground full of wood chips. 6 years later, that ring is still diamondless. (I'll be wearing a substitute for another 6 yrs I think.)
    And, I'm glad you discovered Jeni's so quickly. Best Ice Cream around! Glad you are loving OH!
