Monday, October 21, 2013

Our 1st OHIO visitors!

Sunny has been on the countdown for Grammy and Ashley to come forever, but the week before she made a countdown because she was super excited!

We were all so excited to see Grammy, Ashley and Carson at the airport!
 We were able to take a little photo shoot of the grandkids...
              Why is it so hard to make 5 kids look at a camera and smile?
 Ignore the fact that I'm not wearing the belt to my dress and that I look pregnant...I had so much fun with my mom and sister! It was SO nice to have them travel all the way to Ohio to spend a week with us! We went shopping, went to lunch a lot, went to the Columbus Temple, watched the BYU game, cooked together, and had fun with the kids! I am so happy they came to see us!!!
The only bad thing that happened is that my mom and Ashley got sick {we all had a 24 hour flu bug last week}...That was the very worst thing ever! I felt horrible that they got sick!!! After the 2 days they were sick, we went back to having fun again!

This was the day we drove 2 hours to go to a pumpkin festival and it ended up being so dumb! It was in a city called circleville, but the problem was it wasn't so much a pumpkin festival as it was a circus with weird people. Ashley and my mom were just starting to feel sick and it was the longest car ride home ever!!!

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