Monday, November 25, 2013

The Boys Come to Visit...

 My 2 brothers, brother in law and Dad all came to Columbus this past weekend to go on a guys weekend trip to the Notre Dame vs BYU game with Regan and Riley. It was so much fun to have all of our visitors before they went to the game. The Girls were excited to see Uncle Wobby.
 Here are all of the Cougar fans before they went to Notre Dame!

Uncle Scotty was fun with the kids! He helped me out with Emery while we were on Ohio State Campus.

 Emery has been making the funniest faces this one! He has loved wearing this football helmet and jersey and saying, "I am football player!" and ramming into people! He is a funny little guy!
 Uncle Brett was showing the kids how to work a yo yo...I had no idea that he was a professional yo yoer! He seriously was working the yo yo!
Riley was SO excited to go on the Guys Trip to see BYU play! He said that he felt like a man when he was with all of the guys! He even packed his deodorant to show the guys that he is a man. I was so proud of him because the Notre Dame Game was the coldest game they have on record and Riley did not complain about being in the cold! He was a champ!

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