2013 was a great year for our family. It was full a lot of happy memories, and even some surprises. Here are a few of our 2013 highlights
So, we had an addition to our family last Christmas...Sweetie. It has been a rocky road with this new puppy of ours, but after a year of enduring her chew on everything we own, I think we will keep her. The kids love her SO much, and she has really grown to be a part of our family.
Elle found herself a cute little best friend while we were in South Weber. It was so cute to see these cute 2 little ladies play together, and it was so sad to have her say good bye to Pip.
Riley, Sunny and Elle have improved tremendously this year! Riley graduated from Suzuki Book 4, Sunny graduated from Book 1 and Elle graduated from the Twinkles. Riley just finished memorizing a 5 page Bach concerto and I am so impressed with him! Sunny and Elle have done so great in their daily praticing with me.
Riley turned 9 years old and had an awesome Basketball Birthday and really got into Basketball this year!
I was the Young Woman President in my church for 3 years and I was so blessed to have the opportunity to get to know and help 20 beautiful young ladies {ages 12-18}. My Mom spoke at one of our Programs and I have learned so much from her. She is such an amazing lady!
Riley and his friend won the Science Fair at school!
Regan coached Riley's 3rd Grade Basketball team and they ended up getting 2nd place in the final tournament. He did a great job coaching the team!
Riley and Sunny played their violins for Federation and they both got the highest rating: Superior!
We were able to go to a Jazz Game with Riley and Sunny and sat on the court! SO COOL!
Regan ran a 50 K Buffalo Run on Antelope Island with his friend Keith. He also ran up and down the Grand Canyon for a total of 47 miles! He is so ambitious!
We celebrated Easter with my family and with Regan's family and had some fun memories together!
Riley and Sunny lost a lot of teeth between the 2 of them!
We took our family to one of our favorite spots, MOAB! We hiked with Sweetie and went on some awesome ATV rides.
Sweetie and I graduated from Puppy School...we are still working on her training...
Emery turned 2 years old and we celebrated it with our families at Hoagle Zoo. We had so much family support this year from our families!
I was able to go to Womens Conference with my mom at BYU! SO much fun!
Grandma Anderson celebrated her 90th birthday! She is a great example to us.
My sister Chrissy had her Senior Violin Recital and it was so much fun to have all of the sisters get together to play Concerto for 4 violins by Vivaldi.
Elle graduated from Preschool!
Sunny found her best friend, Olivia. They were so cute together and now are pen pals!
We really did take advantage of the beautiful mountains Utah has and hiked quite a bit!
Sunny turned 6 years old and had a cute Cupcake Birthday Party with all of her friends.
We were able to have such a wonderful violin teacher for the past 3 years, Kathy Smoot. We were sad to say good bye to her. She taught the kids so much!
It was hard to say good bye to our families but we were able to spend a lot of time with them before we left.
Regan and I celebrated our 12th wedding anniversary!
Our sweet neighbors threw us a going away party and it was so awesome to say good bye to all of the people that we loved in South Weber.
Regan moved to Ohio and started his new job as the State Director of Ohio for American Family Insurance in July, so we were away from him for almost 2 months. In that time, we tried to spend as much time as we could with our families! I was able to go to my parents cabin with the kids for a whole week and have some fun times with them. I decided that one of my most favorite things to do in life is bike down the Provo Canyon with my family!
Riley caught his first fish with Grampy at the cabin! He was beyond thrilled!
We had the best vacation in Oceanside, California. It was so perfect because it broke up the time we were apart from Regan while he was in Ohio without us.
We had such a fun time at Disneyland with the kids! Regan and I decided that this is our favorite vacation at this time in our lives. There is nothing better than the beach and Disneyland!
While we were in Anaheim on the American Family Trip, we went to a Phillip Phillips Concert! I have decided he is my favorite singer! His song HOME has become our family theme song this year!
One of the last things I did before I moved to Ohio was go to the Salt Lake Temple with my family and that was so awesome!
We drove 1800 miles across the country from Utah to Ohio because of Regan's new job. The kids and Sweetie did so amazing and it started out our new adventure!
Our new house in Lewis Center, Ohio is just perfect for our family! Our neighborhood and neighbors and so kind!
The kids went to their first day of school at their new school after 3 day of arriving in Ohio. We had to start the first week of school out by living in a hotel. We found out that Elle was old enough to go to Kindergarten in Ohio, so we scrambled to get her registered to start school as well. The kids LOVE their new school, LOVE their school teachers and have met so many friends!
Right when we moved to Ohio, we got a season pass to the Columbus Zoo because we heard it is one of the best zoo's in the US. That is not a lie...we have been to the Zoo multiple times and still haven't seen the whole thing!
Elle turned 5 years old. She is our little princess!
We have had fun exploring where we live. We went to an apple farm and picked our own apples!
Riley got his first BIG hair cut {only because Regan took him and not his mom!} He looks so old!
We were so lucky to have had visitors already in Ohio. I love this picture of Grammy and all of her Grandkids!
We loved our first Ohio Visitors...My Mom and Sister!
Riley loves going to Scouts and has progressed to be a BEAR in the cub scouts.
Emery has become obsessed with Monsters University this year...he loved Halloween!
We were so lucky to have family come stay with us for Thanksgiving!
We had some fun times with family
I felt like I was 16 again when I went to the Taylor Swift Concert with my family. I was screaming and decided that Taylor Swift is another favorite of mine!
My youngest sibling Chrissy graduated from High School and now my parents are empty nesters!
In April, Regan applied to be the State Director Of Ohio for American Family Insurance. The thought of leaving Utah and away from family was scary, but I have always known that Regan is someone who will be very successful so it wasn't hard to support him in this big decision. We found out that he got the job and our lives started changing immediately. We sold our beautiful house in Utah, found a beautiful new house in Ohio, finished up the school year in Utah for the kids, then started our new adventure in Ohio! We have been in Ohio for 3 1/2 months now and have absolutely loved it! Regan loves his job, the kids have transitioned better that I ever could have imagined and I am staying busy with 4 kids! We have had an awesome 2013 and are excited to see what this next year brings!
Every year we come up with a family motto, and our 2013 motto was so perfect for what we have gone through this year!
I can say we have for sure done new things and have met a lot of new people!
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