Tuesday, December 3, 2013

US Air force Museum

 Danny and Elle were so cute holding hands throughout the museum...
 We went to the US Air Force Museum in Dayton, Ohio the day after Thanksgiving. To say it was big is a huge understatement. There were huge hangers full of planes from the early development of Planes all the way to Planes that held Nuclear Bombs.
Riley wanted to take turns with Ashley holding Cute Cousin Carson! We just couldn't get enough of him!
 One of the sections was dedicated to Space and Riley even asked me to take a picture of him in this space suit.
 There were videos throughout each hanger which made it possible for the kids to relax from all of the walking. At first, we started reading a lot of the information about the planes, but soon realized that we would be there all day if we continued to read everything. There was so much information and it was all so organized and well displayed.
This Museum made the Hill Air Force Base Museum we lived by in Utah look like a shack.

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