Saturday, February 1, 2014

January 2014 Happenings

 Potty Training! I decided at the beginning of January to potty train Emery! He is 2 1/2 and I still can't tell if this was a good decision! We have been at it super aggressively for 20 days now and he has never told me he needs to go to the potty and he has never pooped on the potty! tmi? I am super frustrated but keep plugging away with him and put him on the potty every hour, on the hour! I HATE potty Training!!!
 Violin: Elle has been loving the practice sessions with her cute new doll! I just can't stand how cute she is!
 Braces: Riley got his desperately needed braces! I just could not resist taking this picture-he will hate seeing it when he is older, but I thought it was hilarious! Having a child get braces has really made me grateful for my parents letting me have braces! Our dental insurance does not cover anything for braces and they are SO expensive!!!

Sunny wanted to come with me to see Riley get his braces and she was so intrigued with the whole thing!
 He was a trooper-didn't complain about the pain and was just glad to get them on!
 Riley started playing rec Basketball and LOVES it! The bummer is that he didn't know anyone on his team, but I told him it would be good to just get to know more kids!
 He is a good hustler and always runs so hard the whole game. Regan and I did not give our kids good athletic genes, so he is going to have to work hard to be an athlete!

 I put Emery in this outfit for church and realized that I had a picture of Riley wearing the exact same outfit! I just can't believe how alike they look!
 Elle wore this cute dress I used to wear when I was her age! I always thought I was a BYU cheerleader wearing it!
 It has been the coldest it has ever been in Ohio this winter! No, seriously! Like -17 degrees! We have had 6 days of cancelled school not because of snow, but because of the COLD!!! Our church was cancelled and then we had 3 days in a row of school that were cancelled and in that time, the kids and I stayed inside and did not go anywhere! We hunkered down in the house and tried to stay warm!!!

Ohio state law says that after missing 5 calamity days, you have to do the make up homework. On day 6, I went online and printed off each of the kids calamity homework. Can you tell that they were SO excited to do it?
 I just LOVE these little girls of mine. They are best friends and I just can't help myself taking twinner pics!
 Elle has been loving having play dates with her cute little friends in our neighborhood! Elle and her friend Coen put this puzzle together by themselves!
 Elle has loved playing with her friend Claire who is just across the street whenever she can!
 Riley had his first Strings concert at school. I just think it is so funny that he is even taking strings in that they haven't even learned how use their bow...they just pluck. He loves going to strings though since he has some friends in it and he likes helping the teacher out.
 He just entered book 5 in Suzuki and is getting to be an excellent violinist! I am proud of him!
 Riley loves that his friend from school, scouts and church-Jack, is in strings with him!

 Regan turned 35 years old on January 29th! I love that he does whatever he wants on his birthdays!
 My parents gave him this bike hitch which he was pretty excited about! His Dad gave him cuff link shirts since he has a ton of cuff links!
 What a cute little guy!

His Mom gave him the softest BYU blanket I have ever felt! He had a good birthday-I love telling him that he is so much older than me {even though I am 33 and he is 35!}

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