Monday, April 21, 2014

April so far...

 We all spent a Saturday in the garage Spring cleaning it and we found Papa's old boots. Sunny put them on and they are just her size! I can't even tell you how happy I am that the garage is cleaned out! Having all of the gross dirt from the snow all over the floor was coming into the house, so now the floor is clean, the lockers are organized and the bikes are ready to be ridden!!!!
 2 words: Potty Training...
 I hope you can feel my pain from these pictures!!! Emery is just the hardest child I have had to potty training! It is a struggle every single day! He will only go pee when I put him on which is pretty much every hour. Not once has he told me he has to go and not once has he pooped. I know this is a gross topic, but the truth is, this is my life right now! It is super frustrating and it is testing my patience every day! He is turning 3 in a few weeks, and my goal was to have him potty trained by the time we go to Utah, but I am slowly thinking that is not going to happen! I think I am just pushing him so much but he is just not ready!!! AHHHH-where is a potty whisperer when you need one??
 This was the beginning of April...those daffodils just look soooo sad!
 We took Sweetie to a dog park for the first time this year and she loved it so much! I used to be so afraid of dogs before owning a dog, so the thought of surrounding myself with dogs at a dog park would have been a nightmare! It was actually fun seeing our Sweetie playing with other dogs, as well as our kids. Emery was knocked over a few times by some of the bigger dogs!
 Throwback Thursday on social media: I love this picture of Manon and I! My crazy curly hair and bangs! Manon has been one of those friends that has been constant. I call and text her for advise, she is so no drama, she is one of those friends who you don't have to talk to on a weekly basis and then pick right back up where we left off on. I just love her!
 Lately, these little girls of mine have discovered what it means to be SILLY! At first I thought it was cute when they got the giggles and couldn't stop laughing. Then when it was constantly happening, it wasn't so cute! It is now happening on a daily basis where they get together and just start laughing, giggling, making weird jokes...this is what it looks like!
This is another daily on one practicing with all of the kids. Sunny has been a trooper lately! We have been learning some difficult material {flats} and she has hung with me with lots of exercises. We have had some frustrating practice sessions, but I have seen so much improvement with all of the kids these last few months!

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