The kids had so much fun choosing their own Pez dispensers and eating all different flavors of candies! Was it worth it, totally! In fact, Regan was even jealous that he wasn't able to come with us!
Riley was SO into the Pez Bingo...finding what year certain Pez dispenser's were made.
The kids thought it was so cool to make their own Pez movie!
Let's just say I now know more about Pez than I ever wanted to know. They started out as mints, the dispensers are made out of molds and the candy is really not that great in my opinion!
Being with this cute little guy was the best! Carson is seriously the cutest little guy and we had so much fun playing with him. My girls were in love with him, and I caught them sneaking kisses all of the time. Carson's smile, his cute little body walking everywhere, falling on his bum all over, him getting into everything he could get his hands on, his adorable laugh...I already miss that cute little guy!
The weather in Connecticut was pretty chilly, so we had to be creative with the inside activities and bundle up for the outside activities. One of the coolest places we went to was this awesome old antique store that has the craziest things in it. We brought the kids just to get them out of the house, but surprisingly, they LOVED it! Riley kept commenting on how cool everything was . The coolest thing in the store is this old carousel...I only wish we could have it in our house!
We bundled everyone up and went to the Park by the beach one day. It always is so funny to me that I am always freezing but the kids are totally fine! It's like they never get cold!
The 2 little boys LOVED Ashley pushing them in the swing!
We brought some kites with us, and took advantage of the wind! A Perfect day to fly a kite! We even sang, Let's go Fly a Kite from Mary Poppins!
We had a ton of fun at the park!!!!
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