We had a very special visitor for Spring Break....G R A M M Y!!! We LOVE it when she comes to visit!
We took Grammy to our favorite place...the American Girl Doll Store. The girls wanted to get their dolls ears pierced and get glasses for their dolls. I will say that something happens to me when I go to that store with my girls...I am very nostalgic and the kid in me comes out. I love that my girls like to play with dolls because I really feel like that is part of being a little girl. The dolls in this store are so cute and their accessories are even cuter!
Sunny's doll is named Mckenna, and yes, she will always have a broken foot and arm for the rest of her life. Elle's doll is named Alexis.
Oh my gosh, these girls of mine are just the cutest little things I have ever seen! I love that I have been blessed with 2 little girls. They might make me a little crazy sometimes with their drama at times and sillyness, but I honestly do not know what I would do without my 2 beautiful little girls.
My Mom spent a day in Ohio with us, then we drove to Connecticut for our Spring Break to spend the week with my cute sister Ashley and her awesome family. Brett was so great to play games with the kids. Riley challenged him to a chess game the first night we drove in! The road trip with my Mom was actually awesome...the kids did great just watching movies and I was able to talk to my mom for hours!
Ashley, you posted a weird picture of me on your blog a few weeks ago, so now it's my turn...
This picture still has me laughing hysterically! The first night we got to the Bardsley's house, I was downstairs with the kids when I hard screaming. I didn't think much of it, but when Sunny came running down the stairs telling me to see what happened and to bring my camera, I couldn't wait to see what was going on.
Ashley was giving Carson a bath, and as she was reaching for his bath toys, her bottle of shaving cream fell down and exploded the cream all over the place! She and Carson were covered with this cream! Carson was freaked out, but it was quite funny!
Ashley & Brett took us to a beach called Todd's Point. It was a bit rainy, but we had so much fun. The kids actually didn't want to leave. Throwing rocks in the water, finding a million shells and finding crabs.
Riley was so excited he finally was able to skip rocks in the water!
My little sweet Elle wanted to hold her own umbrella the whole time.
After Todd's Point, we went to a mall that had something for everyone. Elle and Emery loved the carousel, while the older kids loved the ropes course.
Brett was so nice to go on the ropes course with Riley and Sunny! I actually had NO desire to do it, so I was so glad that he actually wanted to do it! It was 6 stories tall of tons of ropes to climb onto and the kids LOVED it!
Brett is doing awesome at his job with Phillips so when we were at Costco, he explained to the kids what he does with the Phillips shavers at work.
For me, the best part of the trip was going to Women't Conference with my Mom, My Sister and My Daughter! It was so special to be able to go together with these ladies that I love so much and to hear inspiring messages.
Sunny is almost 8, so it was so awesome to bring her with us to her first Women's Conference. The Church just lowered the age to 8 so that girls, Young Women and Women of the Church can all meet together! Such a special thing to bring my beautiful young lady!
Grammy brought a prize a day for the kids and they were always so excited to see what each day would be...the funniest prize was the mustache that Emery wanted to wear!
Brett had a remote Control helicopter that Riley soon became obsessed with. He flew that helicopter EVERY chance he could in the apartment!
haha I never saw that mustache pic! Funny. Thanks for the shaving cream pic :) So much fun reliving all of this looking through your posts!