Wednesday, April 9, 2014


 Regan was able to join us for 3 days for Spring Break which was awesome! My Mom was so nice to watch the kids while we went New York City for a whole day! It was so much fun to be adventurous in the city with Regan. I told Regan that he makes trips so much fun and interesting because he likes to do things that not your average person does. We started our day out by trying to find a lobster food truck that Regan wanted to find so bad from a yelp recommendation...we did not find the truck, but we formulated a plan of what we wanted to do while chasing the non existent truck!

We decided to rent bikes all day and bike everywhere in the city. The bikes belong to an awesome bike share program called citi bike where you can dock the bikes wherever the citi bikes are located, and then pick it back up when you are ready to go. Our first stop was Wall Street... 

 The second place we went to was china town and little Italy. I was on the hunt for a new purse since my old green one was trashed. We ended up finding this awesome yellow michael kors bag that I loved, so we sat on a bench so I could transfer everything from the green one to the new yellow one so this picture is me throwing the old one away! My hair is all over the place because of the crazy bike ride!!!
 Riding in the city was a bit made riding in San Francisco a few years ago seem  like a breeze! There are bike lanes, but I use that term loosely, because the cars pretty much take those lanes over! The hardest thing was riding at night because the cars couldn't see us as well!! Super scary! The most frustrating thing was "rogue" pedestrians. Walkers in NYC are super daring and they would just walk out in the street without waiting for the light, so we would have to slam on our brakes to not hit them! All in all, it was so much fun and adventurous! We definitely worked off the chocolate we ate!!!

 So after we ate dinner at Max Brenners Chocolate with Ashley and Brett, we decided to have a race with them to see who could get to Wicked the fastest! They took the subway, we took our citi bikes! Why Regan and I thought this was a good idea is beyond me...we had biked all day, we didn't have all that much time, and we had just eaten a ton of chocolate! Needless to say, the Bardsley's beat us! This picture above is hilarious because Regan is sweating like a crazy person and my face is beet red because we ended up biking way too far, and so then we ditched the bikes and ran more than a mile in the city to get to Wicked! Keep in  mind my legs were already cramping up from going so fast on the bike, and I was wearing flat shoes. I kept on telling myself, "Andrea-don 't stop running, just don't stop running!" I honestly thought I was going to die, but miraculously we made it with a few minutes to spare before Wicked started! Ashley and Brett probably thought we had been hit by a car or something! {notice the photo bombing girls? The poor people Regan was sitting by-he had to use my sweater to wipe off all of the sweat until intermission!}
 So I had seen Wicked, but had totally forgotten the story line since I saw it 9 years ago. The music was amazing and the acting was awesome! Regan had never seen it, so I was excited for him to see it. Elphaba and Glinda were phenomenal! I am going to see it again in Utah this summer with my Mom and Sisters and I am excited to see it yet again!!!! My favorite broadway!
 Here we are after Wicked when things were a bit more calm.
We had so much fun on our NYC date night with the Bardsley's! Thanks for going with us!!!!

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