Wednesday, April 9, 2014

The Statue of Liberty

{I took this picture of the fam-notice that I actually got the Statue of Liberty in the pic...}

I went to the Statue of Liberty with my friend Karen and her family when I was 17 years old, and Regan had been growing up, and so I didn't have a desire to go back to see it, but there is one person in our family who was not going to be okay with not seeing "Lady Liberty!"


She wanted to see 'Lady Liberty' SO bad because she had learned all about immigrants and the State of Liberty in school, so it was an easy decision of what to do on one of our New York days! 

 {This is what you get when you ask someone to take a picture for you---notice how they did NOT get the Statue of Liberty in the pic? Grrr....what is wrong with people?}
 {Then she said, let me get a little closer...STILL, no Statue of Liberty in the pic! Grrr...why do you think we would come all the way on a ferry to just get a pic of our family and no statue?}
 Here she is in all of her GLORY! Did you know that the Statue was a gift from France celebrating America's 100th birthday? Did you know that it has more than 300 sheets that are put together like a puzzle? Did you know that the statue turned Green due to a chemical reaction with oxygen and the metal. The things you learn on a ferry ride from the city to the island...
 This is a close up picture of her Face-she is not too happy!
Sunny was so happy that we went to see Lady Liberty. She was jabbbing the whole trip about the information that she had learned at school. It was so cute to see her light up and want to tell us everything she knew. 

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