Thursday, May 17, 2012

conference weekend

conference weekend this year was quite interesting. It all began with Elle's face looking super swollen. I thought she had allergies. The next day her glands were huge!! That was enough for me! I had Regan take her to the ER--they were gone for 4 hours and no word on what was going on. They put an iv in her and that made her feel better at least. That night, I decided she would be okay to go with us to meet my mom and sisters at city creek while the boys went to priesthood at the conference center. 
We were first in line at deseret book to get Stephanie Nielson's new book, Heaven is here.It was so cool to meet nienie in person and to explain to my girls what a strong person she is and what happened to her.
{the book is amazing by the way!}
 So we had a great time at city creek, ate dinner at the crowded cheesecake factory, and came home.  Well, the next morning, we woke up to this{below}. Elle's face was wayyyy swollen so I took her to Primary Childrens er!! 5 hours later, they still didn't know because they had to wait for blook test. We found out the next day that she had mono. That is what was making her face and glands swell up. Her spleen was 3times its regular size, and she was exhausted! poor little gal! basically, the doctor told me she needed a lot of rest, and for her to be careful playing because her spleen could rupture.
we are a month out, and her spleen is still larger than normal, but she is doing sooo much better! Telling this 3 year old to take a nap is near to impossible. She has too much playing to do! While the kids are at school,I at least make her take quiet time and lay down to watch a show. She is one tough girl!

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