Thursday, May 17, 2012

Salt lake city half marathon

 Regan and I ran the salt lake city half marathon april 19th! I have been running every tuesday, thursday, saturday with some amazing friends/runners in my neighborhood and I feel like running with them, plus going to bootcamp 3 times a week made me a much better runner! 2 years ago, I ran my first race {utah valley half} my time was 2 hours 35 minutes. My only goal was to not die and to not stop running! well, I did that, and told myself I would never run a race again!!

                                            {aaaa....sorry about the sweaty picture of Regan!}

Well, for me, running is the best way to lose the baby weight, so I decided to start running again and to start going at 5:30 am with my friends in south weber who are amazing runners. what was I thinking you say? super early and with good/fast runners? the answer is, I don't know. All I know is that that first run was only 3 miles and I thought I was going to die or throw up blood! they start the run by running up a steep road we call the toll road. The reason they start there is because you can get away from the south weber winds, but you have to pay a price by going up 1/2 a mile up hill!! Anyway, I have been running with these ladies for 4 months now, and I have improved! I got 2 hours 10 minutes at the salt lake city half. that is a 25minute improvement from my last experience and I didn't want to die at the finish line!

I have lost 50 plus pounds since October and I feel so good! I still have a few more to go, but in the mean time, I am liking the way I feel with my exercising! I still don't love to run, but what I like is the way I feel afterwards! like I can conquer the world!!

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