Saturday, June 23, 2012

violin camp 2012 recap

                                         riley's violin posture improved soooo much this week!
 Sunny loved her repertoire class taught by an awesome northern california teacher, Mr.Moes.
 My sister performed a solo at institute and she is an amazing violinist! She is a great aunt to my girls!
 Elle fell asleep right on the floor after day 1! This is how I felt at the end of every day!
 Elle was in the twinkler class and her favorite part was a game where you have to pass a plastic egg from your bow to another bow!
                                                 Twinkle Star Day

                                       Sunny's violin posture and bow hold improved a ton this week!
 these sisters of mine are so awesome! Angie was my assistant this whole week! she took the kids around to classes when I was already at a class, and helped me take the kids all around institute! they are such cute aunt's and my kids just love them!

Riley had master class with Mr. Moes from california. He taught him to play with feeling and play with a story in your mind instead of just playing them to just check it off of the list.

So this year at suzuki institute, I had Riley and Sunny in all day classes and Elle in 2 twinkler class plus emery was with us for most of the time. There is no way that I could have done it without my mom and sisters! The kids had so much fun and they improved so much this week! I asked Riley which one of his classes and teachers was his favorite, and he said he couldn't choose because he liked all of them! so awesome! He actually had all guy teachers! Sunny loved meeting new music friends and her favorite class was ear training! I think that this week gave Elle a lot of confidence in starting her violin journey! This was a great week for the kids, but it was super tiring for this momma! I went to bed every night feeling like I had just run a marathon!! It was totally worth it though to see how much the kids loved it and how much they learned!

the really really bad thing that happened this week is Sunny dropped her violin on the tile floor and the top of the violin broke! It was on the last day of class, first thing in the morning! Fortunately, there was a violin shop, so I took the violin in to get repaired and got a replacement until that one gets repaired! ahhh...what a nightmare!


  1. Holy canolie! I've never even heard of such a thing for kids! Violin camp for a week? You're a trooper! Always impress me, always!

  2. Wish I could have been there! Looks like they had a blast and a half! Love that they dressed up for the different "theme days"! Riley is getting so big! Short hair? Wah??
