Saturday, August 4, 2012

kids k & lil bucks rodeo

 The kids ran in the kids k for south weber days! I was proud of all of them because it was 3/4 of a mile, and even our little elle ran it all of the way!!!  All 3 of the kids were super sweaty because they ran their very best and they all got a prize at the end! go team fackrell!

This year, we decided to go full force into south weber days, so we participated in just about everything there was! We entered the kids in the lil bucks rodeo. Riley chased sheep to get money taped to their backs, Elle tried to catch a chicken, and Sunny rode a fast sheep that certainly did not want her on his back!!! She stayed on for about 4 seconds, then fell off and as she put it, "ate a lot of dirt!"

This probably will sound ridiculous, but I guess I am very much a city girl because I have never seen kids ride sheep, or chase chickens so it was quite the experience to witness this!!! Another thing that will totally pick me out in a crowd is that I wore white capris to the rodeo!!! I really don't know what I was thinking--maybe I didn't think it was going to be dirty, maybe I was so concerned getting the kids ready that I didn't check what I was wearing. The ending to this story is that I went home completely dirty, and if anyone really knows me, they know that I DO NOT LIKE TO BE DIRTY!!! Another thing about the dirt, Emery is now a walker, and does not want to be held, so next thing I know, he is sitting in the dirt by the goats and eating the dirt!!!

                                                       He is sooo dirty but soooo happy!!!
Sunny especially looked cute since she was wearing my Papas's old boots!!! Now she is a true cowgirl!

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