Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Elle's 1st day of Preschool

 To say that Elle was excited for preschool is a complete understatement...after we dropped the older2 off at school, she probably asked 15 times when it was her turn to go to school!!! She already loves school because of her nice teacher, teacher vickie!!! She has some neighborhood friends in her class, the preschool is simply adorable and she is ready to learn!!! I have never heard of kids that are so anxious to go to school because they have fun!!! That's when you know you have a great teacher!!!

This little elle girl of mine is seriously the cutest preschooler I have EVER seen!!! She wanted to wear new earrings, necklace and lip gloss with her outfit!!! Such a girly girl!!! since today was early out day for everyone, I have not yet experienced the quietness of having 1 out of 4 children at home, so tomorrow is looking like it will be a great day!!!

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