Saturday, September 15, 2012

Rise & Shout!!!

 We started out this holy war day by going to a byu vs utah pancake breakfast in our neighborhood! Whenever you ate a blue pancake, you would make a tally on the chalkboard and the same for a ute red was pretty even there for a while, then the blue pancakes pulled ahead and won! Regan is a great breakfast chef!
                      Emery loves his blue pancake,but you just can't tell since he is stuffing his mouth!
 Today was a good lesson for our girls to realize that yes, you still can be friends with a ute fan! Both of my girls absolutely love their ute friend, Kylie!
 This is my cute cute BYU family!!! I love that all of us are sporting our BYU clothes!!! Honestly, I'm not that big of a sports fan, but the reason why I am such a huge BYU fan is because BYU is where our family all began!!! Regan and I met at BYU, we dated at BYU, we were married as we finished our college education at BYU, and now we take our kids back to BYU so they will want to go to BYU! Do you see why BYU is so important to me? Seriously, if it weren't for BYU, I would not have this perfect, beautiful family of mine, I wouldn't have met the BEST husband anyone could have asked for, I wouldn't have 4 of the most beautiful children in the world, I wouldn't have a college education and a teaching degree. So for this, I owe BYU a lot!
 This is my cute friend's so funny that we both had girls dressed up as cheerleaders and babies that were dressed in jersey's!!! See, you still can be friends with a rival!
 Seriously, Emery's hair keeps getting curlier and curlier and he keeps getting cuter and cuter! How is that possible?

 I love this friend of mine, but I will say, when she came to the holy war pancake dressed up in her utes outfit, I was a little disillusioned! just kidding...I actually had no idea she graduated from the u, so I won't hold it against her! Hey, at least her cute little girl is a Y fan!
 So in about 22 years, this picture will be in their wedding video...Lucy and Emery...I'm calling it right now! I would like to set this marriage up right now!!!
                                       Aren't they the cutest couple ever?  A match made in heaven!
These 2 are bff's! It's a little sad for me that Emery totally dogs me when ever Regan is around, but at the same time, it is cute that he loves his daddy so much! He wants to be around Regan whenever he is around, but if he isn't around, I guess I will do!!!

1 comment:

  1. Haha. In that 2nd to last picture, Emery is thinking long an hard about that girl :)
