Monday, October 22, 2012

Andrea's october

                                                   My cute little sisters, Angie & Chrissy
I had the opportunity to go to General Conference with some of my family. We were in the conference center when President Monson announced the new age for missionaries and it was so amazing to be present when a prophet made a new announcement! My testimony grew even more after feeling the spirit of the messages I heard.
 We went on the Ogden River Trail for rollerblade/bike ride...the kids rode bikes, Regan and I rollerbladed. I thought it was going to be a little ride...why would I think that if Regan is coming? We ended up rollerblading 8 miles! I used the stroller not to help Regan out but for balance! Elle & Emery were in the stroller, so it was really heavy. There was one part of the trail that was steep and had a quick curve at the end...I totally freaked out going down the hill, started screaming because I couldn't stop, and because I realized that the stroller's wheel's were not turning because the curve was too tight. The only option I could think of was to let go of the stroller and have it go right into the bushes...that's exactly what happened...the stroller went straight in the bushes, I curved on the road still screaming. The kids were totally fine when I backtracked to find them which was a huge relief!!!
 As a young women president, I really have tried hard to support my girls in their activities. Here are 4 of my girls at one of their volleyball games. I have been the young woman president for 2 years now and feel like I know the routine and love the girls even more!
In between general conference, we took the family on a hike in snow was gorgeous. It didn't start out so great {can you tell which kid was freaking out?} but we brought a lunch up, had a good hike, and everything ended very calmly! I love that we live sooo close to the most beautiful land in Utah!!!

 Sunny had Mono and was out of school for a whole week! You can see how enlarged her glands are, she had white dots all over in her throat, fever of 104 degrees, so lethargic, not eating anything. For the whole week, I got a ton of homework from her teacher, read 30 baggie books with her and made lots of yogurt parfaits for her! She was able to go back to school after a week, and boy did the kids miss her! She came home with notes and she would tell me that lots of the kids said they missed her at school so much! I felt so bad for her--she is usually so energetic and full of life!
 I made these cute outfits for the girls during conference---I love making bead necklaces for my girls lately!
I have had to go through Emery's clothes and throw away all of the pants that have holes in the bum since he is walking now and not scooting!

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