Sunday, October 28, 2012

Grandparent Day

Today was our church primary program, so Grammy, Grampy & Chrissy came as well as Nana. The kids did a great job singing {Riley was singing so loud that his face turned red, but he was right on pitch} After church, we came home and had a Thanksgiving dinner and a violin recital put on by our 3 violinists. It was a great evening with these great grandparents. Our kids are lucky to have such loving and supportive grandparents!

 Riley is doing an amazing job in his violin playing. He is learning to play the Vivaldi concerto that every Suzuki violin player aspires to play! I feel like we have a good balance between practicing, school, sports, friends and family time.

Sunny has finished suzuki book 1 and is moving along so well with violin. Her and I have gone through a lot in our practicing sessions, mostly her being stubborn, but I think we have come up with ways of working together better! She really has a joy of playing the violin and she has a lot of pride.

 Elle has almost mastered her twinkle variations and is following in her siblings footsteps just great! She loves to play her violin and her and I work very well together in our daily practicing.
                                               the kids with Grammy & Grampy
                                                           the kids with Nana
                                                           Emery loves his Grampy
                                                                  and his Grammy
 Aunt Chrissy---she is the best! She is gorgeous, talented, fun, funny, amazing, smart, and caring!

                                                              Emery loves his Nana!!

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