Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Symphony Hall

 Well, I can check something off of my bucket list now...being a finalist for best costume and going on the stage of Abravanel Hall! I made this backdrop so it looked like we are in a comic book, and we brought it all the way to salt lake with us. The Avenger Family coming out of a comic book was quite the hit with people at the symphony. We even walked in city creek and random people asked to take our picture!
 I love bringing the kids to the symphony at a young age because it gives them an appreciation for good music when they are little.
 In the lobby of the utah symphony, they have a beautiful red, glass sculpture
   Before intermission, ksl people came to the stage and announced the finalists for the costume contest. When they called our name for the group costume, I was super excited!!! They took us to the back where the musicians get ready, and it was sooo cool!
 The kids loved just sitting in the balcony seats to watch the symphony play.
 This was us waiting to go backstage to be judged
When we saw this family all dressed up as the incredibles, we just had to get a picture with them!
 Backstage---to see all of the musicians I have seen play in the symphony for years and years was so cool.
Here is the concert masters own private looked like a celebrity dressing room inside with lights surrounding the mirror.
 This is stage right as we were waiting to walk onto the stage. Regan and I both held a side of our comic book backdrop as we all walked on the stage. It was between the incredible family and a pacman dressed family. As we walked on the stage, the audience cheered for the best costume...we ended up getting second place {how can you compete with a pacman family? see below} The kids thought it was so cool to be on the stage with the audience cheering for us! Now I can check off the bucket list of going on the stage of the utah symphony...I wish it were soloing on my violin with the symphony, but hey, I'll take what I can get!!!

this is the winning costume...the pacman family

Our 2nd place prize was a jack o lantern filled with halloween decorations, 8 tickets to the utah symphony, 4 tickets to a broadway play in salt lake and $20 at pizza hut

1 comment:

  1. YAY! I love it! You guys are so cute! Who knew 1st chair got his own "dressing room". What a pro.
