Thursday, November 29, 2012

All about Emery

Emery loves to eat!!! Some of his favorite foods are:
any fruit
fruit snacks
fishy crackers
           Emery loves to play with his siblings, loves playing with his best friend {Regan}, and loves getting into trouble!!! I have called him Dennis the Mennis quite frequently lately. Just some of the things he has done: clogged the toilet with a whole role of toilet paper, dumped a whole container of nesquick, dumped a huge box of fishy crackers on the floor then stomped on them, then drew a picture with markers on the wood floor!!
 But when you see this adorable smile of his, believe me, it's all worth it! He is the happiest, smiliest baby ever!
Emery is 18 months now-old enough to go to the nursery at church {thank heavens!!}, he weighs 29 lbs, is teething his bottom molar teeth which hurts him so much, and is such a delight to be with! I love being his mom, even though he pretty much just tolerates me while Regan is at work!

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