Saturday, November 17, 2012

Snow Day

We had a huge snow storm the second week of November.
 Regan took the kids out to the backyard and made a huge snow fort with them! He is such a fun dad!
 Getting the kids all ready to go out in the snow is always such a huge task!!! This is Emery's first time playing in the snow, so we were just trying to put anything on him, even if it was girl snow pants and gloves! He could not move, and he looked like the little boy on a christmas story movie!
                         The kids had so much fun sledding on the next door neighbors hill!
 As long as Regan and I have been married, we have had hand me down christmas trees {almost 12 years}. This year, I started putting the old tree up...putting each branch in one by one and then putting on 10 strands of lights and then it would take up tons of room! This year, I put my foot down and checked tons of adds for a good price on a pre-lit, collapsible tree. Of course, Walmart had the best price, so I went there and got this lovely tree. In the past, it took me at least 5 hours to build the tree and put the lights on. This year, with the new amazing tree, it seriously took me 10 minutes!!! I put 4 sections together, connected the wires and wallah...a beautiful tree!!! Don't feel too bad for the old tree...I still assembled it and put it on our balcony and it looks awesome on our house!
These light balls are so cool! My parents were going to get rid of them because they are a lot of work to put up, and the lights burn out really easy, but I knew they would look awesome in our yard! The week before the storm came, I spent a few days outside putting these on the trees in the sunlight! Elle and Emery loved playing outside while I prepared the yard for christmas!

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