Sunday, November 11, 2012

instagram pics

 I go into Sunny's 1st grade class for centers every other week and let's just say I get kind of antsy when I am in her first grade classroom! I have a special spot in my heart for first grade since I used to teach that grade, and I have a big desire to go back and teach first grade when my kids are all in school! My center was to make these cute thanksgiving turkey's with the kids! I love that Sunny loves that I come into her class!
 Want to know what Elle wants to Christmas? Infomercials are totally working on my little Elle! She wants dream lites and stompies so bad for christmas all because of these commercials! When we saw the two items at Walmart, you can obviously see how excited she was....
 binky boy...I want to get rid of his binky really bad so he can start talking and not be so reliant on it, but Emery's teething is awful, so I will slowly take it away and then all of the way when he is done teething!!! The other night, Regan and I were up 7 times with Emery teething and then woke up early for bootcamp!
 The second week of November was absolutely beautiful and so I took full advantage of it...I hung a bunch of these cool christmas balls that my parents gave me up in the tree's while elle and emery played in the sunshine! I am so glad I did because by Friday, we got 2 feet of snow and it turned soooo cold!
 Ever since Sunny started going to all day school, Elle started to get bored and lonely because her best friend left her...well, then she started getting a  bunch of friends in her preschool, and one of them is a cute girl name Pip {her real name is Paisley} and they love love love playing with each other. They love playing mom & dad, hide & seek and dolls!!
 Laughing Gas on Sunny & Elle for an hour at the dentist for cavity fillings...Elle loved the smell of it!
                                   Riley's prize from the dentist,,,a mustache
 Regan and I went to the bountiful temple in a huge snow was actually beautiful!
 the kids played in a violin recital for Mrs. Smoot in centerville. Riley played the book 3 graduation piece, Sunny played the book 1 graduation piece and Elle was the star of the show with tucka tucka stop stop twinkle! I am so proud of my kids and how well they are doing on their violins!
This is Mrs. Smoot, our violin teacher with the kids. She is so kind and such a great violin teacher. We really scored with her as our teacher!

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