Friday, January 11, 2013

Happy New Years 2013

 For New Years Eve, we decided to stay home this year and have fun as a family. We played Electric Monopoly {Riley calls it Renopoly}. We had lots of snacks, watched movies and made a list of everything we wanted to do on New Years Day.

 We went to Boondocks, ate chinese food, had frozen yogurt, and went to Scheels.
 Scheels has a fun ferris wheel that we all rode. I loved that store because it had all active/outdoor things and was so much fun to walk around.
 We brought our new baby with us to Scheels and Grampy had fun holding our 2 babies!
We then ate at my families favorite place to eat...Brickoven. We had a great time bringing in the new year! Here's to a great 2013. For the past 3 years, we have come up with a family motto.
2011-Fackrell's are tough, Fackrell's don't whine or complain
2012-Fackrell's DO hard things
2013-Fackrell's try new things, and meet new people

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