Tuesday, April 23, 2013

April Happenings

I love my days with my 2 cute little kids...While Emery was napping, Elle fell asleep on the chair in this position. SO cute!

Elle & Emery are the best of friends, always playing with each other. Emery is scribbling with chalk and Elle is painting.

Moms & Muffins at the school! Riley is reading the Candy Shop Wars II, Sunny and I are reading Nancy Drew the Secret of the Clock, Elle loves Bernstein Bears and Emery just loves to listen to any book!

Riley participated in his second Pine Wood Derby for Cub Scouts. He was so excited and so proud of his car!!!
Riley won every single round of races and in the end, won 2nd place! He was so happy and excited  after every race, but trying not to celebrate too much to make other people feel bad! 
We have started a new routine with Sweetie. She sleeps in her kennel in the back garage at night, and when she is inside, she has to be on her pillow. It is so much better instead of having her roam all over the house. We started taking her to puppy school at Petsmart which is helping us to know how to train her!!
Elle saw these dresses at Costco and said, "Mom, Sunny and me need those twinner dresses!" How could I resist?

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