Tuesday, April 23, 2013


 Sunny felt like she was the only one in her first grade class not losing teeth until one day she came home with a lose tooth. I gave her some assistance and she pulled the bottom tooth right out. The Tooth Fairy was very generous. Next thing you know, she looses the top front tooth!! The Tooth Fairy is going to go broke pretty soon!

Our 6 Month Dentist Check up did not go so well for 4 out of the 6 of our family. Riley had one cavity, Sunny had 2 cavities, Regan had 2 cavities and I had....5 cavities!! I was so embarrassed because, but the dentist told me that after having kids, this kind of thing is very common. That didn't make me feel much better, and getting them filled was the worst! Then the dentist told me to go see an endodontist about a root canal!! WHAT???

Once Riley and Sunny were finished getting their cavities filled, Riley came out and said, "I wish we could have laughy gas at our house!"
 Sunny went to the endodontist with me and took a picture of me while I was in the chair. I am so not happy about my teeth situation...I take good care of my teeth and this is what I get? AHH! Having healthy teeth is something that I have taken for granted for sure!!!

 Well-here it is! NO TEETH GIRL! While we were at the endodontist, the nurse gave us some gel for Sunny's lose tooth to numb it and sure enough, it came out that night! 3 teeth! She is rich!!!

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