Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Spring Break 2013 and BYU observations...

 We decided to take a mini trip while we had spring break, so we went to Provo and spent a day on BYU's campus! I remember my parents would take my siblings and I to BYU campus when I was growing up and it lit a fire in me...I knew at a very young age that I would get myself to BYU. Even when I was at Ricks College, I knew that I would get to BYU and that I would meet my future husband at BYU! So I am doing the same thing with my own kids...taking them to the best campus ever and fueling the fire in them to want to get themselves to BYU!!!
         We started our BYU day out by going through the Bookstore to get a bag of candy at the candy counter, then played a game of bowling with the bumper lane and ball ramp!
I'm proud to say that I won with a 110 score!!! {of course the bumpers had nothing to do with it :}
                               Next stop, we went to the BYU Museum of Art {MOA}

 I didn't have enough confidence to hike the Y with just myself and 4 little kids, so we just looked at it from a distance!
 We went to a brand new building on campus named the Joseph F Smith Building. A guy in my ward did some art for an exhibit called Education in Zion. This picture is of the kids and Grammy looking at the students going to their classes.
 We went to an amazing place for breakfast called the aweful waffle. YUM YUM YUM!
 Grammy was so nice to come with us to BYU...We got ice cream cones at the Creamery! Isn't my mom so gorgeous? I think so!
 We went to the Mexican Restaurant that Robby works at. He did a great job!! Isn't my brother so handsome? I think so!
 We went to the new Sports Building where Lisa works. She gave us a tour of it and we got to see the football practice fields. It was fun to see her in her element! Isn't my brother Scotty so lucky to have Lisa as his wife? I think so!
SO-being on campus, I have a few observations of college students. I graduated from BYU 11 years ago, so I realize that I am a bit dated on the subject, but this is what I saw...
1. Students were so anti social and into themselves...
Example A-students would walk around campus reading, texting or playing on their phones! It was a miracle they didn't bump into each other or trip over something because they were all so preoccupied on what was going on in their phone! Talk to people around you, be aware of your surroundings, be social when you are on campus, check out the cute boys...whatever! Just don't be stuck in your own little cyber world!
Example B-students at the cougar eat were all sitting by themselves, looking at their laptops or phones while stuffing their faces with food. I kid you not, I looked around me and all I saw were people sitting by themselves and all of them had some kind of electronic devise in front of them, while they were eating. Really? Is it that hard to turn off your computer for 10 minutes while you eat and ask if you can sit by someone else? The answer is no, but it looks like this is a foreign concept to the younger generation. What ever happened to talking to new people and getting to know people?
Example C-I used to work at Jamba Juice while going to BYU so I wanted to get a smoothie to show my kids what I used to do there. Keep in mind I looked like a circus with my double stroller and 4 kids. As I was inching my way to order, 3 girl students totally butted me in line because they were either annoyed that I was moving so slow or were in a major hurry...whatever happened to kindness and helping people out? I just think that they were so concerned with themselves that they didn't even think that it was rude that they were butting in line in front of me.
Example D-So many students were wearing ear buds while listening to music on campus. We went to the aweful waffle which is right in the middle of an awesome apartment complex called the Village. It has windows all around it so as we were enjoying the most delicious waffle, I was enjoying myself watching how students interact with each other. Time and time again, there would be a boy with his ear buds in, totally zoned out, walking with his head down, and he would totally not even see cute girls walking right next to them. Seriously, I wanted to say, "take your ear phones out, stop looking at your phone and look at the cute girl right next to you!!! Ask her out, ask her her name!!!" Sadly, there were so many missed opportunities for these students to actually meet each other.
When I was going to school a million years ago, people would come up to me and talk to me, ask me for my phone number. I didn't even have a cell phone which looking back was a wonderful thing! I had to go to my apartment and wait for my roommate to get off the phone to talk to someone. I was able to walk on campus without any electronic devise and look and talk and smile at people!!! AHH--I was so frustrated with this new environment that it actually made me glad that I went to college when I did because in this kind of environment, there is no way I would have met Regan. He noticed me at a party, where people were social and having fun. He came up to me at the library to say hi and get my phone number. He called me up on the phone with a cord and we got to know each other for 2 hours on our first conversation. We went to homecoming together and walked on campus for 2 hours talking to each other!

My advise for anyone reading this...unplug your life and get out and be social! Talk to people face to face, don't be buried in your own life that you can't even look up to notice what is going on around you. Meet new people, go out of your way to talk to someone you don't know! Be outgoing and don't care what people think of you! K-I'm done, sorry for the rant! It was so annoying!

Moving on.....
 We went to Provo Beach Resort and had a ton of fun! Elle & Emery went on the carousel over and over and over and I was getting SO sick!
 But looking at these smiles, it was all worth it!
 Sunny is such a daring girl that when she asked to do the ropes course, which is 50 feet up in the air, I was not surprised at all! She did it all by herself without any help! She has no fear!
Riley was the Flow Rider surfing and wanted to do it immediately! He had the time of his life! We had such a fun spring break that I actually was sad to have the kids go back to school this week! We stayed at my parents cabin for 2 days and we had so much fun reading books, watching movies and having fun together!


  1. Oh Andrea, you just need to come up to Utah State. Us Aggies are much friendlier, and much more social. :) You would never get butted in line at Jamba Juice in Logan, even if you look like a circus. I'm telling you it's just better up here :)

    P.S. your brother is handsome

  2. Oh, I love that you have a blog....and actually blog. I swear the blogging world is dying. Love your observations from BYU. That makes me nervous to walk around BYU-I again....It probably isn't as fun as I remember either.

    Robbie is cute, Abby is cute....what are we waiting for! She works at the J Crew Outlet in Lehi, send him over there :)

    I might blog stock your cute little family now, hope that is okay!

  3. I love blogging just for the journal aspect of it..some day I will actually get the blog made into a book! You can come on over and blog stock any day Angie! I would love love to set Robby up on a date with Abby and you Chaeli!

  4. Looks like a fun spring break! I've never heard of Provo Beach Resort, looks like fun. We'll have to check it out next time we're in town.
