Sunday, August 25, 2013

Last Week in Utah

 We had a fun day with the Rasmussen cousins at Thanksgiving Point,,,Emery wouldn't even get in the picture because he was afraid of the shark!
 My brothers cute girlfriend was so nice and did gel nails on all of our nails! My girls were in heaven!!
 Grampy and Emery fell asleep together. They have become good little buddies.
 For Chrissy's birthday, we went to color me mine and painted pottery! I loved spending time talking to these lovely ladies.
 We had to distract Chrissy to get her to her surprise birthday party, we we took her to the very best shaved ice place there ever was-Houkilou! YUM!!!!
           The ice just melts in our mouth without having to crunch down on it! Isn't Chrissy beautiful?

 Each one of the kids went on a special Grammy day with Grammy. They went to color me mine to paint pottery, went to lunch, picked out an outfit and a special stuffed animal. Talk about fun and memorable!
So vine videos are all the rage right is an app where you can make your own 10 second video. Well, Riley got a hold of Chrissy's phone and saw a ton of hilarious videos made by her friend Spencer Taylor. He soon became obsessed with Spencer Taylor and just had to make a vine video with we called him up and he was so nice to include Riley on one of his videos. They planned it all out together, then filmed it together and it was so awesome! Riley felt so cool!
We were able to spend some time with Nana and Grandpa Bob...we put this puzzle together at their house and were able to show the kids where Ohio is!
Grandpa Bob is always so nice to show the grandkids his animal collection and talk about each one of them to the kids! Emery especially loves them!
       Loved spending time with Nana and Grandpa Bob!
My favorite store of all time is called Bohme and this is so weird to say, but I am really going to miss this store! It is the perfect fit for me right now-not teeny bopper and not older mom style. My friend Julie was so nice to make one last shopping trip with me to our favorite store. You know that you go to a store too much when the manager knows your name...The cute manager is in the middle and Julie is on the left.
My cute sister Angie came over to spend some time with the kids and I before the movers came. We did some last minute crafting projects-we spray painted a tv stand and hutch. She is such a great Aunt to the kids
The only thing I wanted to do with my family while we were staying with them in Draper was to go to the Temple with all of them. I am so glad we were able to make that happen. We were all able to go to the Salt Lake Temple together and it was very special.
Riley made some great friends in South Weber and the last week we were there, they had a late over party for Riley. He was in pure heaven-playing minecraft and being with his friends!!!! They are great boys!
We were able to meet up with my friend Amy and her kids at the Draper Pool! These girls will all be great violin friends!
We went to Kneaders a few times to see Aunt Angie working! Pink Pina Colada smoothes!!! YUM!
 Grammy bought the kids ice creams when they heard the ice cream truck! Even their mom won' t do that!

For the past 2 1/2 years, I have been watching the bachelor every Monday night with my great friend Shera. It was so perfect that the season finale of the bachelor was on the last week I was in South Weber! I am going to miss our Monday nights and Shera!!

Regan was in Ohio since July 1st, so as we were in Utah without him, we tried to spend as much time as we could with family. We had great times with our families the last few weeks of us being in Utah!

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