Friday, August 30, 2013

The Play Room

When I first walked into this house my first time in Ohio, it was so hard to see past the paint! Every single room was a crazy color, but I have to say that the playroom took the cake! BRIGHT ORANGE, DARK PURPLE and BRIGHT NEON GREEN! 3 colors, TONS of stuff! It was very hard to see past the paint and stuff as I was dreaming up the new play room...

 The Play Room is probably the biggest transformation in the whole entire house. It was a big project, so I had the painters do this room. They had to take out orange built in shelves and 3 huge mirrors. I had the 2 small walls painted black chalkboard and the 2 long walls painted mint green. The painters thought it was kind of weird, but I told them I had big plans!

The Ikea play rugs we already had worked so well in the middle of the room and the storage stuff we already had was perfect!
 Riley has all of his Wii games in the tv cabinet, and the other kids have movies and cable so they can watch their kid shows in their own space. They have their own dress up corner organized in their bins.
 Love this Book Nook. It has all of the kid games, some of the kid games, and movies.
 The Art station...finally a good place to store all of the kids art and craft supplies! I love that I already had everything for the play room!
The kids LOVE LOVE LOVE the play room! Now the only difficult part will be to keep it organized! I have to say it is actually my most favorite room in the whole entire house! A place for the kids to have their own space!

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